Drugs found in spare tire
A Dutch flower driver has been arrested in the United Kingdom for transporting narcotics.
During a routine customs check in the United Kingdom, the truck was inspected. The customs officers noticed that there was a spare wheel in the loading space of the trailer. At the time it was checked, the wheel was also found to be very heavy. The wheel had an abnormal weight. The spare wheel turned out to be filled with narcotics. The driver was arrested immediately. The investigation is ongoing, but the driver faces a substantial penalty if he is found guilty.
Tip: Do you recognize abnormal behavior around changing wheels or their weight? Truck wheels are often changed on the spot. It is a common sight to see service vehicles (mobile workshops) driving around company premises changing truck (spare) wheels. Several times it has been found that these wheels are used to smuggle narcotics.
So be alert when you see spare wheels being changed on site and check your own equipment.