Entrepreneurs and government in conversation about organized crime
Last month, entrepreneurs from the Westland region spoke with the municipality and the Weerbare Sierteeltsector approach about undermining and organized crime in the floriculture sector. The talks aim to strengthen cooperation between entrepreneurs and government and effectively tackle undermining in the chain. It is a step towards a safe and resilient business climate, in which the dangers of organized crime are made discussable.
The opening was done by Mayor Bouke Arends. He emphasized the importance of a joint approach; entrepreneurs and government. During bottleneck table sessions the themes that are increasingly common in the floriculture sector were discussed. By talking, participants learn from each other and together concrete steps are taken to strengthen the safety and resilience of the sector. Still often heard is the comment, “It won’t happen to me. Awareness and prevention were therefore central.
The Weerbare Sierteeltsector approach works with four municipalities around the Royal FloraHolland sites, among others. The Municipality of Westland is one of the participants in this public-private partnership. Together they are working on a safe entrepreneurial climate, in which undermining in the entire chain is tackled hard. This dialogue is an important step in jointly combating organized crime. By combining the forces of entrepreneurs and government, together we are building a floriculture sector strong enough to resist and fight the influence of undermining. Given the positive response, the talks will be followed up in 2025.